E-Learning Program
The E-learning program enables schools to set up online classes, where students and teachers have individual accounts. Teachers can use the program in school as well as issue home assignments to students on a regular basis. Please click on the samples below to view the digital resources.
Adaptive Assessment Solutions
Powered by smart algorithms, covering all topics in the syllabus, the student-centered assessment engine generates more than 1,00,000 questions and enables personalized learning with rich analytics and a teacher dashboard.
How it works
Teachers can easily stitch together problem types from different topics to create and issue adaptive quizzes to students.
Students are notified about the quiz and attempt problems one at a time using an easy interface.
Students receive feedback on their responses and can also immediately see fully worked out solutions by question.

Student report
The student score-card helps identify topics at an individual student level, where additional practice or help is required.