Teacher Work Attachments (TWA)

Teachers can take time out from their hectic school schedules to reflect on teaching practices and immerse in a totally different and energising learning journey at HeyMath!. Through our Work Attachments, teachers can actively engage with graphic artists, animators, programmers and Math/Science experts - in a highly collaborative and multi-cultural setting - to design interactive tools and lessons that make the learning of Mathematics very exciting for students.

  • Mr Lee Ming Yew

    Yusof Ishak Secondary School, Singapore

  • Jacque Loo Hui Zhen

    Si Ling Secondary School, Singapore

  • Pulane Phala

    Free State Province, South Africa

  • Elizabeth Ng

    CHIJ Katong Convent, Singapore

  • Arularasi

    Evergreen Secondary School, Singapore

  • Sivaprakasam Raju

    Yishun Secondary School, Singapore

  • Nurul Aini

    Admiralty Secondary School, Singapore

  • Suchitra

    Admiralty Secondary School, Singapore

  • Sharon

    Pioneer Primary School, Singapore

  • Charles

    Yishun Town Secondary School, Singapore

  • Jeremiah

    Qifa Primary School, Singapore

  • Tsoai

    Free State Province, South Africa

  • Jayasolai

    Queenstown Secondary School, Singapore

  • Desiree

    Queenstown Secondary School, Singapore

  • Halil

    Queenstown Secondary School, Singapore

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