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E-Learning Program

Our E-Learning system enables schools to set up online classes with individual accounts for teachers and students. While students can access the resources independently, teachers can also create and issue assignments and adaptive quizzes from a question bank of exam papers and smart algorithms. Here are some samples of our lesson resources.

Lower Secondary
Upper Secondary

Mobile Apps

Prepare for the GCE O ‘on the go’ with our mobile apps (iPhone and Android) for adaptive practice and exam prep.

GCE Exam Prep

Exam style questions organised by topic for E Maths and Add Maths.

Fully worked out solutions with details of marking scheme.

Summary notes for quick revision.

Doodle, screenshot and share to get help.

GCE Exam Prep app on the Google Play Store
GCE Exam Prep app on the Apple App Store
PRASSO - Maths

Adaptive practice modules for all topics (P1–Sec 5) of E and Add Maths as per latest MOE syllabus.

Organised by levels covering all problem types.

Fully worked out solutions.

Doodle, screenshot and share to get help.

PRASSO app on the Google Play Store
PRASSO app on the Apple App Store


The objective of the Raffles Institution Primary Mathematics World Contest (RIPMWC), is to promote interest in Mathematics and develop problem-solving ability through a Mathematics contest for Primary School pupils.

RIPMWC 2018 Online Prep Course

To help pupils prepare for the contest, Raffles Institution and HeyMath! have developed a set of preparatory lessons and worksheets.

This online material consists of questions from all the previous years' RIPMWC contests. Fully worked out solutions are given for all questions making this ideal for independent learning. Participants may access the course any number of times and practice the questions.

Validity : The preparatory course subscription is valid till 30 April 2018

Fee : S$ 60

Log in credentials to the Online Prep Course will be sent via email within 24 hours of receiving payment.


Benchmark yourself with top 3 percentile of Singaporean students

Raffles Institute Coat of Arms
PRIME - Program from Raffles Institution for Math Enrichment
  • Built on the curriculum developed by the prestigious Raffles Institution, Singapore
  • Incorporates HeyMath's innovative teaching methodology
  • 34 individual courses covering over 2000 challenging problems
  • Receive a certificate on completion of each course
Prime course contents: Animated Lessons, Practice Questions, Worksheets, Final Test
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